My goal is to lose 100 lbs and be fit and healthy and hopefully a trail runner by my 50th birthday. I'm 47 now, so that should be easily achievable, should it not? Sure....if I'd stop fucking it up with my detours and pit stops. Let's take this past weekend, for instance. I came home from work early on Thursday not feeling well, like I had a rotten summer cold coming on. That kicked off a "fuck it, I'm sick, I'll eat what I want" drinks, chocolate ice cream (each night for three nights in a row), pizza, fried food.....dafuq? I don't really understand now how I thought that would make things any better. In fact, I'm home from work again because I feel like shit, for a whole different set of symptoms, mainly related to my stomach. Hmmm, wonder why? (though I'm thinking it could be a stomach virus) That kind of thinking is what got me fat and miserable to begin with and I simply forgot it for a few days. Simply.....b...
Real, raw, funny, infuriating and likely to be laced with a fair amount of profanity. Here lie my musings, observations, confessions and incoherent rants. Please enjoy at your own risk.