So folks, it seems I am in the grip of peri-menopause. While that has not yet been doctor-confirmed, I think it’s fairly safe to assume given the vast amount of symptoms I’ve been dealing with (and in most cases, so has everyone else) the last couple of years.
Hot flashes, of course, were the first sign. I don’t always sweat profusely, but I do get rather clammy and irritable. They don’t always last long, and they can sometimes only come once or twice in a day or none for weeks, or one every 90 seconds. There is no rhyme or reason, no predictors, nothing.As time went on I began experiencing a whole host of random and inexplicable afflictions:
- Sharp, stabbing needle like pains in my feet and legs (which I initially attributed to the onset of diabetes, but my doctor assures me I am not there).
- Restless leg syndrome – YAY! That’s a fun one. Who needs sleep? Pfft.
- Joint pain that comes and goes often without ever having done anything to otherwise injure or aggravate said joint(s).
- Dry skin, despite all the water intake and lotion in the world.
- Extreme slow-down of hair growth (on my head…everywhere else it seems to be sprouting as usual)
- Loss of s** drive. Gone. POOF! Up and vanished like a bean burrito fart in the late summer breeze. Though on occasion it does make an appearance and when it does, it’s so extreme it’s like I’m trying to make up for the times when it’s MIA. My husband really isn’t complaining about that.
- My personality goes from Dr. Jerkyl to Mrs. Run and Hide in a blink, and often ends with Miss Sobsalot. It’s exhausting.
- Oh yeah, “that time” is still coming with infuriating regularity and it sucks and I hate it and I would most certainly welcome THAT little gem’s disappearance foreverrrrrr.
- Months and months ago, I began waking up nearly every morning with red bumps all over the inside of my arms, down my sides, to the tops of my thighs. They don’t itch or burn, but they range in size and sometimes will only appear in small quantities and others, cover me in what looks like a map of the galaxy. It almost always goes away by the afternoon. Most strange.
- Headaches (more so than usual, it seems like)
- Dizzy spells
- Aversion to certain foods and/or smells….such as, recently I’ve lost my appetite for whiskey, cigars and meat. I just lost my Dude card. :/
- Probably several others I’m forgetting because memory loss can likely be blamed on peri-menopause as well. Who the f**k knows?
I once read an article that was linked from the Mayo Clinic website that listed nearly 40 different possible symptoms of pre-menopause. At the time of that reading, I was exhibiting over 30.
The scary part of all this is that how will I know if something truly serious is going on, especially if whatever that insidious health issue could be has similar symptoms? What if all this crazy hullaballoo masks something that really needs a doctor’s attention?
(Did I really just say “hullabaloo”? Why yes. Yes, I did.)
I’ve also been going through a rather emotionally tough time. My heart is pinging back and forth between nearly opposite positions. One minute I feel this, the next I feel that. I feel like a f**king taffy pull! Is that hormonal? Well, no of course not. It’s real life that brought that on, circumstances that led to my emotional state. But my inability to stay on one course emotionally seems to be something other than “life”. It feels more like an outside influence. No wait, it’s an inside job….my ever-fluctuating hormones. Maybe? I have no clue, to be perfectly honest. But it’s killing me. It’s stressing me and THAT sure as sh*t isn’t going to help me manage all of the other crazy things going on in my head and my body.
What’s a lady to do? (who you callin’ a lady? HA!)
Let it go.
I have to make like Elsa and let it go, let it go - like NOW.
I can’t figure things out, and I shouldn’t even try. I can’t control my hormones with thought or by changing my environment or situation. I might be able to ease things with teas and supplements – I’m gonna look into that. But I can try my best to quiet my mind and chill my emotions a little by learning to let it all go and just BE.
Yeah, I’m going all Zen on ya.
I’m going to listen to my body and not drink the whisky, or eat the meat, or smoke the cigars or have da sexy time. And I’m not going to stress over it. When and if those cravings or desires return, great, I’ll indulge. Until then, it’s cool.
I’m not going to try to think my way through the difficult things I’ve been struggling with emotionally because I don’t know where all the feels are coming from. Things are too jumbled and confused right now for me to try and sort them out.
I’m going to try my best to let go of any expectations of closure, settlement, decisions, etc and just let things happen as they will.
Meanwhile, I’ll be over here eating well to fuel my body. I’ll be exercising it to make it stronger. I’ll be meditating to try and quiet my bees nest of a mind. I’ll practice mindfulness when I can feel myself starting to stress over the future and bring myself back to the present moment. When I feel like I’m going to get angry over something that really, doesn’t matter a damn in the vast, grand scheme of things, I’m going to stop, breathe and let it go.
Sounds like lofty goals, yes? They are. And they are necessary. And I will fail, over and over at at least one or two at a time, most certainly. However, I will pick myself up and keep going.
This is the only way I’m going to get through this transition in my life. And I am transitioning. I am trying to get past a major life change that took place several years ago, and deal with the regret and resentment that that caused me. I’m dealing with getting older and now my body beginning it’s slow, torturous descent into menopause.
I’m looking at the second half of my life and I’d like to live it to the fullest extent possible. I’ve frittered away a lot of my first 46 years. Oh sure, I’ve done some great things – nothing like, Nobel-prize or Oscar winning great – but great nonetheless. My son, for example….I could screw up everything else for the rest of my life and still be a winner because of him. But I have wasted a lot of my talent and squashed most of my dreams over the past four and a half decades. Why not make the next three or four decades epic? Epic on a realistic scale, a regular shmoe scale of epic but working toward the goals I mentioned above and being the best, most authentic, no bullsh*t version of myself that I can be, finally.
I think I deserve that. And if it will keep Jerkyl happy and Hide from hiding well…then it will all be worth it.
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