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Showing posts from 2019

Least Likely to Succeed? Yeah, I Qualify For That Senior Superlative.

Why are goals so damn difficult to meet?  For me, I mean.  (I don’t expect you to answer, but ponder if you will, the possible explanations).  Even the simplest of goals always get left in the dust, unmet. Losing weight is just one of my many oft-attempted but never met goals with the exception of one instance, 6 or 7 years ago. I did actually meet that goal, but in the end, I gained it all back and am even farther behind the 8 ball this time around.  True to form, I have even more weight to lose.  I am far from alone in this particular failed endeavor, I know.  I can only give myself but so much grief over it when so many people the world over struggle with the very same thing.  It is extremely difficult (and so insanely simple!) to do.  And yet...? No, for the sake of this post, I am talking about pretty much everything else in my life that I have sworn to do and yet, failed to do, time and time again.  I’m going to learn how to...

Why Poly Sucks

Let me tell you why poly sucks, folks. And it does. No, no, no don't try to argue with me. Just read. We'll get to your counter arguments later, I promise. Poly sucks because you are no longer the ONLY love in your partners life. Someone else now shares their heart. You have had to gather up all of your clutter and mess and scooch it over to make room for this new love of his/hers (for the sake of ease, I shall base my example on my own sitch - me, my husband and his gf.  It's easier than using an open example and having to constantly that slashy shit).  I'm speaking metaphorically of course, unless your partners girlfriend is actually physically moving in to your house.  (oof, that's a topic for a whooooole other post!) No, I mean moving in to his heart. Still with me? Good.    It's hard because, up until recently, you were the only one who occupied that space in his heart. It was roomy, you could spread out, arrange things the way you wanted, and could...