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Roots of the Mother

I ran, desperate, from the center of the city to the outskirts, in search of a place where I could breathe and worship as only untamed women like myself are meant to do. I could not go far, but still, found a small green patch of paradise to soothe me. I needed my own little spit of land with trees, grass and soil. A parcel all my own on which I could walk dance and chant; a barefoot wild child with bonfire blazing in the circle of stones strategically set so the moon can be seen through the trees and the deer can creep past me as they go out into the night to the things that deer do in the dark. I craved this turf of mine for I needed to send my roots down into the earth to soak up the visions, passion and power that pulses from deep within her core, the very heart of our Mother, Gaia. My land, from which I will harvest the vegetables and herbs I've grown, and tend the flowers I've lovingly coaxed into bloom and where the bees come to drone lazily from flower to fl...
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